Are you friendly to all, inclusive, open to playing for all people?

A. Yes. We welcome all equally and look forward to performing at your event.

Is your price point within my range?

A: Yes. We pride ourselves in delivering a far higher quality complete show at an affordable cost. The exact cost can only be known when we know things like, how far do we travel? What will be the duration? Do you want a simple basic show or the entire enchilada? In the end know this; We have always come to an amicable price point agreement.

Does the setup respect square footage?

A: YES. It's important to do the job right as well as respect the amount of space it takes to do it. “Big Show-Small Footprint.” Of course to provide this great entertainment does take more space than an iPad, but you and your audience will agree it is a worthy tradeoff.

Why a Retro-like analog control center?

A: Our goal is to do a great job show everyone a great time! A full size analog mixer and signal processing not only does a fantastic job of making the band sound great, it is the foundation of a superior entertainment experience. The excitement of the Retro Concert-like appearance is a crowd pleaser just to look at and we always get a compliment or three from it. BTW: It's may appear retro but holds many digital qualities which were not around years ago.